Know Why The World Needs More E-Waste Recycling Companies
Since the advent of computer science, solid waste management is facing a tough task as the level of electronic waste is upping exponentially. By each passing year, Earth is getting polluted with the risk factor of e-waste. Therefore, in all part of the world, specifically in India, the need of a proper management channel to collect, treat, recycle and storage of the electronic wastes has gone primarily. Present Scenario: As per the guidelines laid by Hazardous Waste Rule (1989), an e-waste is treated to be harmful to the environment provided it is rich with a certain level of toxic materials, PCBs and CRTs stand tall in this category. However, before recycling them, it is also necessary to address some grey areas that these chips have. Most people think that virtually deleting the data from any storage device, erase it all, however, this is certainly not the case. They still contain some sensitive data which can be retrieved after that. Here, the role of an e-waste comp...